
294892_2491959062610_1782770953_aDenjo still treats himself a waggish schoolboy who wears a heavy backpack with notebooks and books inside. He hates waking up early in the morning, riding the MRT every single morning, taking his coffee without creamer and forgetting his hanky cause he naturally sweats a lot.

He loves to tell random stories and retell his own supernatural and eerie experiences. He loves to eat a lot though his physical appearance couldn’t justify that. He loves adventures but freakin’ scared to be on top of a high-rise building or cross a flimsy hanging bridge. He discovered that his most productive time is when the late-night newscast starts to air.

He brings his headset wherever whenever to keep him sane when boredom strikes. He wants to travel the world and spend a romantic date in Tokyo or Seoul…. with Nina Dobrev.

He deeply apologizes to his neighbors, classmates and friends for bringing harm to their lives. For telling their secrets to others, for promising of meeting them somewhere but cancelling it on the last minute, for eating in their homes without prior notice, for being playful and hurtful even their faces have reddened already.

But he can be your lifetime buddy and will laugh with you in good or bad times.

This blog is clearly a manifestation of the various memes running around his brain. He uses his ‘down time’ for his handy-dandy journal where he jots down all the crazy, weird and informative stuff in his mind as if a camera is taking candid shots for a “Lonely Planet” episode.

Feel free to read his posts. Don’t worry, if he says something stupid, he owns up his own stupidity.

You may reach him at denjoamata@tokyomail.com or follow him on Twitter @amatadenjo.



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