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My Bucket List: 100 Goals I Want to Achieve Before I Die

I’m not saying that tomorrow is my final day on earth. Frankly, I’ll be hostile to the idea of seeing angels from above lifting up their voices, reaching down their hands and telling me to wear a lily white outfit. Well, if God would allow me, I want to leave traces and foot prints first before I join HIM, my father, my grandpa, Jose Rizal, Elvis Presley and those uncountable kind-hearted people.

The idea of waking up someday when I’m too old, tired and financially incapable makes me think of doing things I wanna do while my nerves are running sprightly. And oops, while I still have a job.

Okay, lemme’ start by giving you my bucket list. If you haven’t heard about bucket list, it is a list of things, goals, life-experiences and dreams you want to achieve before you die. I’m pretty sure several things already dominate your mind.

Life is too unpredictable. You cannot say if you have already reached your finish line. So as long as you still breathe longer… get your clothes on and go out, pound the pavement, and experience what the outside world has to offer.

“Yeah, we gotta start looking at the hands of the time we’ve been given. If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking. If every second counts on a clock that’s ticking, gotta live like we’re dying!” Kris Allen also contributed to my urgency of creating this list.

Here we go…

1. Be fluent in Nihongo.

2. Be an interior designer.

3. Be a t-shirt designer.

4. Be a professional photographer.

5. Be a triathlete.

6. Witness a solar eclipse.

7. Fly in a hot-air balloon.

8. Write a book.

9. Climb a mountain in the Philippines.

10. Earn a Master’s degree.

11. Learn how to play violin.

12. Stroll around Paris.

13. Ride a gondola in Venice.

14. Go swimming with dolphins.

15. Visit Angel Falls in Venezuela.

16. See and experience snow.

17. Fall asleep on grassy plains.

18. Go snorkeling.

19. See cherry blossoms in Japan.

20. Fly in a helicopter.

21. Ride a rollercoaster.

22. Take up Tai Chi.

23. Visit a castle in England.

24. See the Mona Lisa in Louvre.

25. Experience Disneyland in California.

26. Learn how to ice skate.

27. Milk a cow.

28. Watch The Script live.

29. Spend a night in a haunted place.

30. Visit the Great Wall of China.

31. Read the Bible cover to cover.

32. Attend a Broadway play.

33. Try yoga.

34. Explore Hawaii.

35. Visit Seoul.

36. Go inside the Ankor Wat in Cambodia.

37. Attend my high school and college reunion after 20 years.

38. Visit the Pyramids of Egypt.

39. Build my dream house.

40. Live in a tree house for a week.

41. Sing with a band again.

42. Sing at the top of my voice from the peak of a mountain.

43. Attend an NBA finals game.

44. Try bungee jumping.

45. Have a sentimental trip to my birthplace Seria, Brunei.

46. Ride a horse.

47. Skydive.

48. Go to Coliseum in Rome.

49. Visit Santorini, Greece staying at bed and breakfasts.

50. Volunteer in a third-world country.

51. Run my own coffee shop.

52. Work in New York.

53. Experience sunset in Bali.

54. Sleep in an igloo.

55. Bake a chocolate cake.

56. Trek in Borneo’s rainforest.

57. Travel across the Philippines.

58. Learn sign language.

59. Climb to the top of the lighthouse.

60. Hear a wolf howl in the wild.

61. Visit Universal Studios.

62. Meet a Thai monk.

63. Safari tour in Kenya.

64. Walk across a swingy suspension bridge.

65. Publish a piece in National Geographic magazine.

66. Write a script for a film.

67. Attend a Hillsong concert.

68. Be a game show contestant.

69. Watch Charice sing live in a concert.

70.  Eat a fish I caught myself.

71. Collect tumblers.

72. Get a souvenir from every country I visit.

73. Have myself one lazy day a week.

74. Master Katakana and Hiragana.

75. Have a photo with a Russian lady.

76. Spend a week with the Ifugao tribe.

77. Attend a run for a cause.

78. Own a rest house.

79. Walk where Jesus walked in Israel and Jerusalem.

80. Sponsor unfortunate kids’ education.

81. Attend a cosplay event.

82. Own the latest gaming console.

83. Attend a Philippine festival.

84. Walk on a desert.

85. Attend a World Expo.

86. Donate blood.

87. Join a charitable institution.

88. Undergo Lasik to bring back my original vision.

89. Read 100 works of classic literature.

90. Learn to make pottery.

91. Ride in a submarine.

92. Try all coffee flavors in Starbucks.

93. Play golf.

94. Learn to say “hello” in 50 languages.

95. Be a skateboarder.

96. Laugh more, be happy.

97. Get married.

98. Spend our honeymoon in Milan, Italy.

99. Name my sons Shinji and Souji.

100. Be a loving and responsible husband and father.




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